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CQC Winter QSO Party Masthead by Roger J. Wendell
2004 Winter QSO Party



Click HERE for Winter QSO Party results from WØCQC in MS Word


Here's how we announced our 2004 Winter QSO Party:

Join the fun!

2200 UTC February 22 through 0359 UTC February 23, 2004.
                   (Sunday afternoon North America local time)

CW - 1.825 3.560 3.710 7.040 7.110 14.040 21.060 21.110 28.060 28.110
Phone - 1.910 3.985 7.285 14.285 21.385 28.385
           (No contacts on 30, 18 and 12 meters allowed)

RS(T),  state/province/DXCC country, first name, and CQC member # or power output.
           Example: 579 CO Jim NR 04

CW and Phone. Single band, Multiband, and Homebrew (transceiver or HB rcvr and HB txmtr). All CLasses are Single Operator Only.

QSO Points:
     CW- CQC member 6 pts, non-member 4 pts
     SSB- CQC member 3 pts, non-member 2 pts

Total Score = QSO Points x Multipliers x Names
*Bonus points for working Club Station WØCQC - Add 1000
            points to your FINAL score for working WØCQC

States/Provinces/Countries worked.
The same station may be worked on different bands for additional QSO points and
multipliers. Contacts on the same band using a different mode counts for QSO
points, but not as an additional multiplier

Total of first names from Name sheet. One first name per letter of the
alphabet. Name must be your commonly used name.

Stations must use 5 watts or less output, CW or SSB. There are no power multipliers.

To Be Determined, Highest Score in each class


Submit log (postmarked within 30 days of contest end) showing:
            Band, mode, time UTC, station called, RST rec'd, SPC rec'd, Name rec'd,
            Memb.# rec'd (or power out if not CQC member, multiplier, QSO points.
Include a score recap line or sheet.

Send paper logs to:

CQC Contest
P.O. Box 17174
Golden, CO 80402-6019

To Email contest logs: CQC Contest Email

For sample Log, and Name sheets, send SASE and one unit First Class postage to:

Jim Pope, KGØPP
CQC Contest Information
POB 31575
Aurora, CO 80041-0575
(Please do not send logs to Jim)

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Questions or concerns?  Send an Email to: Contacting the Colorado QRP Club
(Surface mail: Colorado QRP Club - P.O. Box 17174, Golden, Colorado 80402-6019 USA)

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Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR


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