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Our Merchandise Shop

Our Online Store is Closed at This Time

Sorry, our online store is currently CLOSED

Arrow Pointing Right HOWEVER, you can still click Here for free membership in our club!








DVDs CQC Media DVDs Available

CQC now has available DVDs of the bi-monthly meeting presentations. For those of you unable to attend the meetings in person here is a way to see what the club has been up to. Seven titles are now available. Run length is about 1 hour each. Contact Vince, KIØRB ki0rb@arrl.net to place your order and make shipping arrangements.

Available Titles
Price $10 each plus shipping
  1. Bill Leahy, KØZL (Basic Equipment Troubleshooting)
  2. Al Dawkins, KØFRP (QRP Contesting)
  3. Al Dawkins, KØFRP (Digital Modes for the QRP Amateur)
  4. Randy Martin, NØEU (Howland Island DXpedition)
  5. Bill Beach, KØUT (Anderson Power Poles)
  6. Rob Sherwood, NCØB (Receiver Dynamics)
  7. Steve Galchutt, WGØAT (Goat and Buddipole Portable)


Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for a our "For Sale" page where miscellaneous items show up at times...




Please do not request T-shirts until we update this entry!
Please do not request T-shirts until we update this entry!
Please do not request T-shirts until we update this entry!

CQC T Shirt
CQC Logo T-Sirt!
Try one on for size!
(Shirt design by KIØRB with logo enhancement by ABØCD)
Price: $12
Your Call Sign added for an additional $2!!!
Postage and handling is $4.
Please specify s,m,l, or xl
CQC T Shirt
Tnx to KA2RCS for modeling our shirt
and ABØCD for taking the photo!


Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for a our sales page where we feature estates or individual pieces of equipment and other gear...




CQC Coffee Mug Photo by Marshall
Photo by N1FN
Official CQC Coffee Mug!

Don't leave your shack without it!! Vince, our club Secretary, arm-wrestled a half dozen vendors until we got a good deal on a few dozen of these beautiful, cobalt-blue coffee mugs. Get yours while supplies last!!

CQC Coffee Mug Photo by Vince
Photo by KIØRB

CQC Coffee Mug Price:
$10.00 (Pick one up at our meeting or other gathering)
$4.00 (Shipping and handling if we mail one to you...)




RF Dummy
Load Kit  
Dummy Load Kit Parts
(Click on this thumbnail for a larger view)
It was here within a couple of days. I have it built and have used it a
few times already. A quick build and a very useful item to keep in my
Go kit. Thanks a lot! I look forward to other useful things from you folks.

God bless,
Ed AD7GR (Oregon)

While supplies last, the Colorado QRP Club is offering the handiest dang gadget this side of the Pecos - a 10 Watt dummy load kit! This neat little package can be tossed into your backpack, Field Day box or your travel luggage. Also, keep one close by in the shack or at the workbench. No matter what, you'll agree dummy load kits are a must for QRPers!

The CQC RFL-10 Dummy Load Kit consists of two 5 Watt 100 Ohm metal oxide resistors connected in parallel, giving you a nice 50 Ohm DC resistance. We've field tested these babies and they produce a remarkably flat 1:1 SWR from 1.8 - 30 MHz. The main body of the Dummy Load is an S0-239 coaxial socket which allows you to create a nice in-line package. Two sturdy adapters are included, one that allows you to connect directly to an SO-239 bulkhead socket, and another that allows you to connect to a BNC socket.

CQC RFL-10 Dummy Load Kit Price:
$9.00 - our low Members Includes Shipping and Handling!
Non Members can purchase directly from OHR




To place an order, via surface mail (including new and renewing memberships), please follow these fill out this Form and send it via surface mail to our current mailing address.


Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for information on our publication the Low Down...


Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for our current mailing address...


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CQC Webmaster
Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR


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