The new online version of The Low Down, CQC's newsletter, is online at CQCLOWDOWN.ORG
The best way to utilize this new tool is to go to the ARTICLES page and subscribe to it. That way you will be notified by email each time a new club news item or article is posted. |
In the past, most of our annual dues went to creating, publishing, and distributing the print versions of The Low Down. In moving to an electronic version (this is our second attempt), we have reduced the annual dues to ZERO and charge only a one-time $5 fee for new members.
Give it a go! |
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Click Here to email the editor! |
Below is some Low Down history [I think it was in about 2010 that we first "reloaded" the newsletter - Ed.]
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From the Editor's Desk Welcome to The Low Down Re-loaded By Dick Schneider ABØCD Editor, The Low Down |
Welcome to The Low Down: Re-Loaded. And just what is it we are reloading and why? We'll we're reloading the U.S. Postal Service's system of delivering first class mail, publishing a hard copy of The Low Down that will arrive in your mailboxes four times a year. We're also reloading The Low Down content, striving to fill it with articles and information that you find useful as you participate in the World's Greatest Hobby. And, last, we are reloading the Colorado QRP Club, making sure we have excellent presentations for the locals who can make it to meetings and superior articles for our "DX" members around the country. The first re-loaded issue - Summer 2010 - was published August 1 and is still available to new or renewing members. Dues are a mere $10 per year. The Low Down was started by one of the club's founders, Rich High, WØHEP, CQC #1, who is now SK and working QSOs with the likes of Marconi and Tesla. Rich strived to make the newsletter, which was published every other month, a lively and interesting publication. And that it was. Yours truly took over as editor for a few years and doing so was great fun, and great work.As the work began to seem overwhelming, the club, at my recommendation, began looking at alternative delivery methods for the newsletter. We settled on an 8-1/2 x 11 electronic version that could be mailed out if so requested. The club lowered its dues since most of those funds supported The Low Down printing and mailing costs. I also had to bow out as editor to attend to family, business and graduate school matters. During the ensuing years, we got feedback. Some members liked it because they preferred everything electronic, and others didn't like it because they wanted something tangible in their hands. Our membership has dropped significantly over the past few years, and we're beginning to wonder if the lack of a mail-out newsletter might be one reason. The club made the decision, and it wasn't an easy one, to re-load The Low Down, fill it with great stuff and start with the hardcopy stuff again. It's a gamble, but one, which I think, will pay off in favor of the club and its members. A PDF version also will be made available to members who still want an electronic version.
The Low Down has been in the able hands of club secretary Vince Kumagai, KIØRB, who, among other things, is an active club officer, runs the club's table at local hamfests, operates the fund-raising effort of reselling donated radio items at hamfests, videotapes presentations at club meetings for internet posting plus resale, and runs the CQC store! I get tired just thinking about that list of activities. I am now once again honored to edit The Low Down. I return to the task with the time needed to do the job and with renewed vigor to chronicle our little part of the ham radio world. And if you haven't figured it out by now, I love to write, edit, and publish. I've been doing it professionally for more than four decades now. Still, I cannot write the whole thing myself.
That's where you come in. We need to hear from you. Tell us about your shack, your latest project, how you made your doublet. Talk to us about operating, getting your child or grandchild interested in ham radio, your struggle getting PSK31 on the air, whatever. Send in your notes and pictures. We'll fashion it into an article with your byline on it. Some of your submissions might windup on the club's website as well. Contact me at schneiderdick (at) comcast.net, We're all about QRP ham radio at The Low Down.
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The Low Down is also used to disseminate information on the features and charateristics of various QRP kits, information and addresses of other QRP Clubs around the world, Email and packet addresses of members, amateur organizations and suppliers of all types of equipment, kits and parts.The Low Down also features our popular "CQC Top Ten" and "The Doctor is Destinated columns." Topics in The Low Down include technical articles, antennas, operating, new equipment releases, equipment reviews by members, construction techniques, contest information, selected items from the Internet and much more.
Our Low Down editor is Dick Schneider, ABØCD.
Articles and photos are always welcome and may be sent directly to Dick at: rjschneid47@gmail.com
The Low Down is sent to all members of the Colorado QRP Club. Membership information can be obtained on our membership web page. Because of the costs involved, no sample copies are sent out - The Low Down is sent to members only. Some back issues are available. For availability and pricing, write to the editor using the above Email button.
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