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CQC Winter QSO Party Masthead by Roger J. Wendell
2010 Winter QSO Sprint



Below is how we advertised our February 28, 2010 Winter QSO Sprint -
soapbox comemnts, logs, and rankings will be posted as they becomea available:


Join the fun!

Colorado QRP Club Winter QSO Sprint When:
0100 UTC February 28 through 0259 UTC February 28, 2010.
                   (Saturday evening, February 27th, North America local time)

CW Only - 3.560 7.040 14.060



RST,  state/province/DXCC country, first name, and CQC member # or power output.
           Example: 579 CO Jim NR 04



CW only - no subclasses.


QSO Points:

     CW- CQC member 6 pts, non-member 4 pts



Total Score = QSO Points x Multipliers x Names
*Bonus points for working Club Station WØCQC - Add 1000
            points to your FINAL score for working WØCQC



States/Provinces/Countries worked.
The same station may be worked on different bands for additional QSO points and
multipliers. Contacts on the same band using a different mode counts for QSO
points, but not as an additional multiplier



Stations involved in the comptetition must use 5 Watts or less output, CW. However,
it's okay to work other stations that are running more than 5 Watts. The idea is that
if you submit your log, competitevly, you need to run 5 Watts or less output power.



To Be Determined, Highest Score in each class



Submit within 30 days of contest end showing:
            Band, time UTC, station called, RST rec'd, SPC rec'd, Name rec'd,
            Memb.# rec'd (or power out if not CQC member), multiplier, QSO points.
Include a score recap line or sheet.

Please include an alphabetical dupe sheet showing times and calls of multiple contact stations, SPC?s and CQC Member numbers. Also include a description of your equipment, antenna(s) used, and power output. All submissions must indicate entry class including e-mail address.



Logs must be emailed no later than 30 days after the contest. Logs received after this deadline will be used as check logs only.


Email contest questions, soapbox comments, and ASCII text files to:



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Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR


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