QRPp Low Power Award by EFT (membership not required)
The CQC Gold Star Award
For QRP Activity (members only)
Your Board of Officers (BOO) wishes to recognize and encourage participation
in Club activities, promotion of CQC, and promotion of QRP generally by
club members. The Gold Star award consists of a really cool certificate
and other forms of glory like being mentioned on the net and in Low Down.
The CQC Gold Star is earned by amassing 500 points as described below,
there is no time limit for completion.
To qualify for the award, the activity must have taken place (or begun)
on or after July 13th, 1996. Just keep track of your award-related activities
on the checklist. When you have amassed 500 points, send the form (and
any documentation required) to the club's post office box as shown in the Low
Down. There is no fee for the Gold Star Award.
Holders of the CQC Gold Star Award
The Board congratulates and thanks the following members who have earned
the Gold Star Award:
CQC Gold Star Award Worksheet:
Points/Max, Activity, Claimed, Date, Notes
10 Help with Low Down folding
10 Attend a CQC meeting
20/40 Bring something to meeting for "Show & Tell."
25 Have a letter-to-the-editor published in Low Down, or a letter promoting
CQC published in another QRP club publication or national magazine.
50 Submit log in a CQC Club Contest.
25 Submit log in a non-CQC Club Contest, for QRP operation.
25 Recruit a new CQC member**
50/50 QRP CW Rag-chew-- 30 minutes QRP both ways.*
25 Work the Club table at a hamfest for one hour or more.
50/100 Operate WØCQC during a club sanctioned event, including the 2M
50 Work 10 Colorado Counties-- add 50 points for each additional 10
counties worked.*
50 Have an article or photo published in Low Down, or a ham radio related
article or photo published in a national magazine.
50/50 Serve on a CQC committee.
100/100 Give a presentation at a CQC meeting (or a QRP presentation
at another organization's meeting or hamfest.)
100 Participate in CQC's Field Day operation.
200 Work all states QRP, any band or mode.*
350 Work all states QRP both ways, any band or mode.*
100/100 Build an RF transmitting device such as a transmitter or transceiver
50/50 Build an accessory device, such as a receiver, filter or keyer
(kits count).
100/100 Renew CQC membership for a period of 3 years or more
100/100 Achieve a license upgrade.
-500/-500 Serve as a CQC officer. (The negative, in the beginning, was intentional
since it was thought officers would have more access to projects and other forms of club exposure)
Where two numbers appear in the Points/Max column, the second number
is the maximum number of points that can be claimed for that activity.
* Operating awards: submit log extract showing callsign, date, time
and qualifier (state, county, etc). Don't send QSLs.
**Submit list of callsigns.
Bonus points can be awarded by the Board for activities not listed.
Name:_________________________ Callsign:_______ CQC#:_____
Total Points Claimed:_________
Date Submitted:___/___/___
The CQC Work All Colorado Counties Award

Click on image for larger view
(Open to all Hams, membership not required)
When you think about it, Colorado is a state of surprising contrasts,
from the Rocky Mountains to the eastern prairie, the "Four Corners"
country in the southwest to cosmopolitan metro Denver. Despite the
relatively small population of Colorado, we have sixty-four
counties, some of which are extremely difficult to "catch" on air.
The Colorado QRP Club offers the Colorado Counties Award for amateur
radio stations making QRP contact with Colorado counties. From time
to time CQC will facilitate the earning of this award by putting
counties on the air as designated County Stations.
- The Basic Certificate is offered for working any five of the
sixty-four counties in Colorado. Special colored seals are awarded
for working all of the counties within one of the geographic sections
described in the Counties List.
- Only contacts made on or after January 1, 1995 UTC will qualify.
- All contacts must be made using the amateur bands (HF, VHF, UHF)
and the applicant must adhere to all FCC rules and regulations while
working other stations. The applicant for this award must make all
contacts using 5 watts out or less. Endorsements will be available
for Single Mode, and for 100% - QRP to QRP.
- The applicant for this award must make contact and then exchange
call sign and report without relays or the use of terrestrial
repeaters. Contacts must be initiated at 5 watts or less.
- Contacts may be made to or from fixed, portable, or mobile
stations. There is no restriction on the location of the applicant
during the contacts; ie, the applicant is not limited to residing or
making contacts from within a certain area, but "roving pairs" are
not allowed. The expression "roving pairs" refers to two mobiles
following each other around, and making contact while relatively
close to each other.
- QSL cards need not be sent with application for the award.
However, the Awards Chairman reserves the right to request
verification by photo-copy of original Logbook pages, by cross
checking of official County Station logs, or by any other means
available to him. Whether or not to accept any claimed contact is
solely within the discretion of the Award Chairman.
- County lines may be worked for credit for not more than two
counties. No "wet" county lines will be accepted-- county lines that
follow rivers, creeks or lakes, may not be worked as a county line.
- You need not be a member of the Colorado QRP Club to apply for the award.
- Each application for a certificate or "upgrade seals" must be
accompanied by a check or money order in the amount of $3.00 to help
defray the cost of the program.
- To apply for your award, send a log summary showing details of
each claimed QSO, a signed statement that you have complied with all
of the requirements as listed above, and a check for the appropriate
fee, to:
Click Here for our club's address and other contact information...
Be sure to include the address to which you want the award mailed,
any requests for endorsement, and the degree of award you are seeking
(e.g. Basic Award, Basic with Red and Blue Seals, Gold Seal only, etc).
64 Colorado Counties:
Northeastern Counties (14) - Blue Seal
- Adams
- Arapahoe
- Boulder
- Elbert
- Kit Carson
- Larimer
- Lincoln
- Logan
- Morgan
- Phillips
- Sedgwick
- Washington
- Weld
- Yuma
Southeastern Counties (12) - White Seal
- Baca
- Bent
- Cheyenne
- Crowley
- Custer
- El Paso
- Huerfano
- Kiowa
- Las Animas
- Otero
- Prowers
- Pueblo
Southwestern Counties (15) - Red Seal
- Alamosa
- Archuleta
- Conejos
- Costilla
- Delta
- Dolores
- Hinsdale
- La Plata
- Mineral
- Montezuma
- Montrose
- Ouray
- Rio Grande
- San Juan
- San Miguel
Northwestern Counties (9) - Yellow Seal
- Eagle
- Garfield
- Grand
- Jackson
- Mesa
- Moffat
- Pitkin
- Rio Blanco
- Routt
Central Counties (14) - Gold Seal
- Broomfield
- Chaffee
- Clear Creek
- Denver
- Douglas
- Fremont
- Gilpin
- Gunnison
- Jefferson
- Lake
- Park
- Saguache
- Summit
- Teller
The CQC Communicator Award
(membership not required)
The CQC Communicator Award certificate is earned by working 50 past or
present members of the Colorado QRP Club, on or after December 1st 1996.
Submit a signed log summary showing the date, time, frequency, mode, name,
and CQC number of members worked, and a statement that all contacts were
made using 5W or less. Enclose a check or money order in the amount of
$3.00 to help defray the cost of the certificate.
The award is based on CQC member numbers, so each member may be worked
only once for award purposes, regardless of band or mode. Individuals are
regarded as members if they have a CQC member number, even if they are
no longer financial members of the Club. There is no formal QSO exchange
requirement; a valid QSO is one where information has been exchanged. Contacts
using terrestrial repeaters do not count.
Endorsements are available as follows:
Each 50 members beyond the basic requirement of 50
Two-way QRP or QRPp
Single Band
All Band
Single Mode
Mixed Modes
Other award endorsements will be considered-- it's your award so we
will respect what is important to you. For example, if you qualify by working
100 members in a single contest, say so and we'll endorse the award that
Send your log summary and payment to our contact address at the bottom of this page:
Be sure to include the address to which you want the award mailed,
and any
requests for endorsement.
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Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR
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