Field Day 2004 - Year of the rain!
The Aloha site gang kept comfortable in the "Aloha Yurt" that KA3RDZ secured for us through the Bear Creek Lake Park authorities. The Rampart Range gang kept warm in cars, campers, tents and under tarps! - Roger, WBØJNR
Click on these thumbnail images for a larger view:
(Even better photos will be in in the Low Down)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
1. We forgot our club banner... | 2. Welcom to the Rampart Range | 3. KIØRB is our PSK31 guru! | 4. KIØRB puts out more coax... |
5. Bear Creek Lake Park | 6. We used a lot of batteries... | 7. WØHEP takes a rest | 8. Hand-held satellite antenna |
9. Our beam | 10. Crank-up tower | 11. CQC's antenna trailer | 12. KØMF runs 'em on CW! |
13. KF7MD stationary mobile!! | 14. KØFEI & ABØCD on VHF | 15. WBØJNR Aloha CW | 16. NØBN & KA3RDZ in yurt |
17. John & Pete at the Aloha yurt | 18. Wet Aloha yurt! | 19. Aloha site balun | 20. Inside the Aloha yurt |
Click Here for our Aloha site submission to the ARRL |
Here's the Aloha Site's visitor's log:
Here's how we announced our 2004 Field Day effort:
The Colorado QRP Club and most of this Hemisphere's active amateurs!!
Our 2004 "Competitive" Field Day effort will probably take place
at our Rampart Range site in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies
Friday-Saturday-Sunday June 25, 26 & 27, 2004.
Set-up begins Noon Friday June 25th. Field Day Event: Noon Saturday to Noon Sunday.
Tear-down Sunday afternoon.
Rampart Range Road near Sedalia, Colorado (About 40 miles southwest of Denver)
Located on huge ridge, at 8,000 feet elevation, in the Pike National Forest
Clear views in almost every direction with great 2 meter line-of-site into Denver
Note: Devil's Head is the last operational lookout on the Front Range and sits on the highest point of the Rampart Range.
The Devil's Head tower is accessible by the 1.3 mile long Devil's Head National Recreation Trail.
Parking and campsite.
STATIONS (This could change anytime before contest time!):
2A (2 HF stations)
primarly focused on 80-20m
Talk-in 147.225 Repeater, 146.445 Simplex.
CONTACT: Al Dawkins, our Field Day Chairman, can be reached at alkøfrp@attbi.com for all kinds of additional information!
Bring your Fun!
John Hewitt, KA3RDZ, will be coordinating our Aloha site effort this year. Thank you John!!
John will probably have a site set up at Bear Creek Lake Park, just south of Green Mountain
in Lakewood. John needs to reserve a site so please contact him so that he can make a
determination on how large of a space we need to reserve!Email John at: ka3rdz@arrl.net
We'll post more "Aloha Site" details, right here, once John has it all organized...
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