In addition to annual elections, our May meeting is always filled with lots of great show 'n tell for our annual "key day" event. KØFEI also provided some great demonstration on KiCad, his newly home-brewed vertical dipole, and useful aps for amateur radio and QRP. N1FN provided a fascinating history of linotype After the meeting we met at a local restaurant to continue the conversation!
Another peaceful transition of power! Election results are as follows; KØFEI (Frank Ivan) President, KCØHSV (Scott Garcia) Vice President, WØQL (Mark Edwards) Secretary, WBØJNR (Roger J. Wendell) treasurer. A big "Thank you!" to N1FN (Marshall Emm) for his work as the nominating committee chairman.
All photos and video by Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR
(except the officers' photo was snapped by Vince Kumagai, KIØRB)
Please click on any of these "thumbnail" images for a larger view!
1. Newly elected officers!
2. N1FN nominating committee
3. KØHSV showing our Aloha site
4. Newly available "Pico" paddle
5. WØQL and his Jones key
6. KØFEI, CQC president
7. KØFEI and his pipe drilling jig
8. WØQL and his QRSS presentation
9. WØQL and QRSS
1. Newly elected officers!
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