Here's what the "Southern chapter" of the CQC was doing at QRP AFIELD. Nick KG5N and Paul WØRW (by the antenna there) operated portable near Colorado Springs.
This is Nick, KG5N, operating the station.
This is the station, showing Nick's HB Sierra transceiver.
Meanwhile at Daniels Park, WØCQC went on the air using Marshall N1FN's mobile shack. Larry WJ1R/UA6HZ did most of the operating. The antenna is a Hustler with the triple resonator adaptor, which had never been used before.
The setup as seen from the road.
The Yaesu FT-757GX-II was operated from the car's battery, while a portable "power pack" supplied juice for the CMOS III keyer and the OHR Scaf filter. The antenna tuner (Larry's HB one from Russia) wasn't used.
Rain? What rain? This time we survived gentle rain by hauling out a tarp to cover the gear. Last time we had to shut down due to thunderstorms.
The lights are on, but nobody's home. Oh that's right-- he's off on 20M somewhere!
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Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR
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