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Thank you for visiting the Colorado QRP Clubs' web site!
I found your web site from an e-mail posted today on KX3@yahoogroups by Myron WV0H, message [KX3]Colorado Gold Rush, advising the group of your contest and his intent to participate. But it turns out that I am a bit un-prepared for the event. My code is a rusty, not having used it since my Novice days in 1967 (ex KN8UTJ). My new license was issued April 1, 2013. My new "antenna" is a random length of silver-plated, Teflon insulated, hook-up wire, hastily strung up in an "inverted L" configuration when my KX3 arrived, also in April.
Working hard, a year from now I hope to be able to at least pass the code portion of the now extinct Novice exam. It may be awhile (if ever) before I can copy 65 wpm. I plan to have a doublet erected by then, but the only available orientation is east-west. Good luck hearing me in Colorado with that. In the meantime, construction of a mag-loop antenna is underway. Perhaps I will work a member of CQC "real soon now" with a mag-loop, if not for contesting then at least for a rag chew to practice my CW technique.
Great web site you have and a really nice club.
73 de AC8NS
06-26-2011 Hello, I just came across your website quite by accident, but it took me back 50-odd years to when I was G3MTI, G3MTI/M, and G3MTI/T. 73 to all. Alec Smith
03-08-2006 Love to build QRP kits and I have built many many... Gordon Dial K5SUZ
12-23-2005 Colorado Qrp Club: I just found and read your article on Learning and Using the Morse Code written by *Bob Nellans, K9DE.* A very informative, interesting and motivating article. I have recently decided to obtain my Amateur Radio License once again after a 40 year hiatus. In doing so I believe that QRP and home brewing (or kits to start with) with its benefits, challenges and opportunities is the way for me to go. Thanks for your web site and the information therein. 73, Jon (ex K8OLS and ex WA6VTG)
11-30-2005 KD5PSH, Rob in Corrales, New Mexico
09-07-2005 Neat site- Have my original Argonaut, Serial #564. Looking for help getting it back on the air here in Colorado. Lost the cables and manual in the move. Thanks, Irv K6DHN
10-28-2005 Dear friends, here I have you some info which may help to place it on the homepage (the antennas are very efficient, therefore excellent choice for QRP): HAM RADIO and HOMEBREWING Today, in amateur radio much too little HOMEBREWING is done. The modern integrated surface technology makes it nearly impossible to do homebrewing of equipments, as the required laboratory is rarely available to HAMs. But this is quite different for antennas. Here, homebrewing should be practiced much more, especially, as we can obtain far better antennas by own construction than many of the commercial ones. And at a much, much lower price ! Here you can find good HF antennas for self construction : http://home.tiscali.ch/hb9abx and there: - HAM RADIO - Homemade Projects Good success and best 73s Felix HB9ABX
09-07-2005 Neat site- Have my original Argonaut, Serial #564. Looking for help getting it back on the air here in Colorado. Lost the cables and manual in the move. Thanks, Irv K6DHN
08-31-2005 ann landers once wrote i should cost $2000.00 to get married and $2.00 to get divorced. i think novices should have 2000 watts and the rest of us 5 watts. remenber how difficult it was on 40 meters during your novice days? don boltz hua hin thailand
Hi, I am an avid qrpp operator and have been since 1969. Living in Bloomington, IN
Bob w2vx
Greetings from: Dean Sanders WB0P Winchester, Ks 66097
Enjoyed your site...trying to find plans to home brew a 5w QRP rig to run off solar panels for next FD in 2006 73 and GL Frank NG1I Cherry Valley, MA
Just passing through your site, looks good.
Looking to find info for home brew 2 metre tranceiver.
John VK2CIF marriotj@kooee.com.au
Hi All, WB4JOG
Just had a look-see at your web page...nice job...appreciate your
providing the fox hunt web page...if you had anyone enter the RAC Canada
Day contest on July 1st they might also be eligible for the "RUN with
RAC" contest sponsored by QRP-Canada...details below on the web
site...72 - Bruce.
72/73 - Bruce ve5rc/ve5qrp - I believe in the KIS principle.
*** Enter QRP-Canada's "RUN with RAC" contest - details at http://www.qrp-canada.com ***
72s to all. I am another "returning" ham, ex-KC3YD now KB3LFC. While KC3YD I worked QRP CW almost exclusively from Schuylkill County, Pa using an HW-7, Century 21, Ten Tec Argonaut 509 and a Ramsey 30-meter kit. House fire destroyed all. Got my "new" tech ticket May 20 and my General on June 6. Also acquired an HW-9 with WARC bands. Getting ready to set up some antennas and get on the air SOON! Will join Colorado QRP late summer or early fall. Will be operating mostly 20 and 30 meters and 40 and 80 in evenings, until the bands pick up again, then add 10 through 17. Please look for me in the QRP frequency ranges. Anxious to get some Colorado wall paper and strike up some good rag chews.
Again, 72s to all,
P.S. My new QTH is Kittanning, Pa. in Armstrong County. Thanks, Tom, KB3LFC, ex-KC3YD.
Hi, Just checking in after seven years away from Ham operating. Need to start again. Anne N4WQT
Heard the CQC net on 147.225 last Monday. Had to check out your great web site. May have to dig out the old "Tuna Tin 2" and give QRP a try. May drop by for field day.
KE2EN Lynn Adams
(See my 100% electric car at http://www.austinev.org/evalbum/379.html )
Greetings from down under, great to see the club is building a Paraset, have just completed one and the TX is fine but the receiver leaves a lot to be desired too sharp in tuning both 80 and 40 m are over 2 dial divisions .. Ive only had contacts up to about 300 Km I hope to get to Australia when the band conditions are right . Keep up the good work, ZL2OB Des O'Brien from Feilding New Zealand
Happy New Year to you all from Eric GM4FQE G-QRP Club Nr.507
k5lkt/qrp in pueblo west. new resident. having fun qrping. and 146.97 in
springs. will sign in agn.
Kf4tap keith, laid up in Co Springs for surgery and Phys Ther working on a paraset to get on the air with. Your site is a blast espiecally the wooden radio.
Hi, just came accidently to your site and didn't want toleave without
posting a message. Keep up the good work! ;o) Ralph Rabinowski
<clement-schw@aol.mail.com>Toronto, Kanada -
Lovely, informative site, thanks.
Painshaw, New Mexico USA -
After passing 20 wpm test I put my keyer away and forgot about CW ,nowI
would like to get back on CW but with QRP. I am thinking about a QHR20
meter Kit Thanks Oris
Oris ab5fa@bellsouth.net
Vinton, La. USA -
Glad to find this site! Keep up the good work!
QRP forever!
Dave Christensen <mcc4@juno.com>
North Salt Lake, Ut USA -
a good website, which was advised by a cqc member thatvisited the
bletchley park wireless telegraphy station today. which is using an
original 1938 transmitter of 5 watts output. david white
<davidwhite400@hotmail.com> bletchley, bucks england -
Henry Simanjuntak <ndut1@yahoo.com>
jakarta, indonesia
back on the air as AA1IK/M QPR or QRO. Nice to see the Fox Hunt stillon the air. I'll see you there. de AA1IK/ M Red Ford Pickup Truck (RFPT)73
Bridgewater Corners, VT USA
Roger, thanks for the slide show.. CQC web site is looking good!keep up the good work. 72
Phil <k6ls@amsat.org>
Your new CQC Webmaster is testing some changes he's made to theguestbook and other pages. Sorry for the interuption, this won't happenagain! Roger - WB0JNR
Roger J. Wendell<wb0jnr@arrl.net>
Aurora, CO USA
Enjoyed the visit, very informative. Am getting ready to go QRPwith a Century 21.I will be back for another visit soon. Best of 73s deFred-wd5kag
Fred E Freeman <wd5kag@netscape.net>
Tulsa, OK USA
Nice site. I've been thinking about getting back into ham radio,but must "bite the bullet" and take the test. QRP sounds like fun. Thanks
Dale <dale@milehigh.net>
Westminster, CO USA
Was WA0LRJ, in Wray and Denver, on 80 thru 10, had grand time witha homebrew 5 watt input tx, now working cw and the regular Post OfficeNet on Sunday morning will be about the only time on ssb. C U in the contests..73, Dale WC7S
Dale <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Cheyenne, Wy USA
Cool Site. Wish there were more like this one on the Net.
Ron Reisebericht
Email is: scottnbarb@pocketmail.com. It is a very small unit andwill hold only 2 pages of text and no illustrations or photos. My stationis totally solar-powered. -Scott Laughlin, N7NET
Scott Laughlin <Iwould like to know more about your group. Cost. Advantage to joining.>
ARN's call is K0ZK
Lebanon, ME USA
ARN's call is K0ZK
Lebanon, ME USA
Iused to be W0PHF in Blackhawk, Colorado starting in the mid 1970'srunning 30 watts to a converted ARC-5 transmitter and a Collins 75A4 receiver.I got WAS on 160 metres and alot of DX. 160 was my only band in those days,but eventually I got on the higher bands, too. I used a Ten Tec 505, HW8,and a homebrew 20 metre transmitter which I still have. It was a kit fromG.R. Whitehouse which sold out to become Radiokits. G.R. Whitehouse hadme do all the repair work on the kits they sold which the owners couldnot get working. I later moved to Buena Vista, CO where I put up a 100foot Rohn 25 tower and had a beverage aimed at Japan. I liked to work DXon 160 back then. Now, I am strictly QRP on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, and 10metres with an Index QRP Plus, Norcal 40A, Red Hot 20, SMK-1 in a ham can,and, my favorite, Elecraft K2 number 0692. Hello to all my ham radio buddies.I do jazz shows on a radio network here on the East coast www.wbachradio.com72,73, ARN
lebanon, ME USA
Nice site...
clipart <lkjwtvu@starplace.com>
VQ9NL is operating QRP and looking for western and midwestern statesfor WAS. Idaho,(home state). Colo, Neb, Nev, SD, Iowa, Utah needed. Needmore but that would be a great start. Anyone need a VQ9 am willing to makeskeds. Thanks. 73 Bill
Bill <vq9nl@cwnetdg.io>
Deigo Garcia
Hope to get cranked up on QRP real soon...have most of the gearreq'd....and space in the yard for antenna. Hope to work you all one ofthese years....K7ATU xPAOXKL,DA4AU
Howie Ragan <hhragan41@hotmail.com>
Beaverton, OR USA
hello i enjoyied talking with you all on the net tonight hope tocatch you next week KD7LVJ Ray
Ray Aitken <shady51_99@hotmail.com>
Cheyenne, wy USA
hello! very small qrp tap. small mad jap. USA cheers. USA as good.dead alive japan.
mitsu <suzy@mx9.freecom.ne.jp>
hino, tokyo japan
Uncle Martin!!!!!!!!! Aunt Judy!!!!!!!! I finally found you guyson the web....I was researching the last name.. thru google.com, Martin,your name comes up a bunch of times, so does Asheley..who is Asheley??I think thats the correct spelling, anyway, Martin Jr.'s wife? Please tryto contact me, if and when you get this, I left my e mail address.. thanksDana.....remember, the long lost niece who NEVER stays in touch with thefamily? see ya soon!!
Dana Buinicki <badcat@bellatlantic.net>
Annapolis, MD USA
HI stopped by for 1st time still stumped by morse code but am learning.have Icom 735/40m Isotron ant .when i get my license Does any one knowhow to build a antteneuator to reduce power to QRP Levels it only goesto 10 WATTS
mark hiles <mktuberxtx@hotmail.com>
Trinidad, Co USA
Visited the site on recommendation from a fellow NoGa member. Ijust joined CQC for 2 years. I travel to Denver a couple of times a yearand will join in the fun there. 72's, Ted W2ICV
Ted Bruce <kilocycles@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA
Stumbled apond your site looking for a folded dipole. moved intoa very small apt. and looking for somekind of a 10 or 15 meter antennathat doesn't have to be very big or high.
Mike Murphy <mikemurphy_us@yahoo.com>
Porterville, CA USA
Estoy interesado en opera mi equipo de radio en qrp, me gusto muchola pagina webb. saludos desde Mexico Victor XE2HSJ
Victor M. Chiapa <rclap@prodigy.net.mx>
La Paz, bcs mexico
Verry nice URL! 73!
Dimitry <lz2fdi@qsl.net>
Trojan, Bulgaria
Very good URL 72/dx /QRP
Peter <PPKEPA@terra.es>
Palma Mallorca, SPAIN
I was referred to your website. Very nice work. I operated QRP witha OHR-400, mostly on 40-20 cw. Will join contests as have time. 73, Ned
Ned <nnewlin@cass.net>
Sand Creek, MI USA
Nice web site but kinda out of date in the contest results column.Nothing listed since 1999.
Bill Stietenroth, K5ZTY <k5zty@juno.com>
Houston, tx USA
nice, 73's ON7JW
Ludo Schoofs <ludos@gencom.be>
Heusden, Belgium
Forgot to leave my Call! W8CYG
Earl Joe Schnur <eschnur@earthlink.net>
Oxford, MI USA
Stumbled onto your Website and decided to say hello. Active on 2meters and all the hf bands. Own a kachina and love it. 73 Joe
Earl Joe Schnur <eschnur@earthlink.net>
Oxford, MI USA
72/73 de AL7JK, John Qth: Eagle River, Alaska Spent an excitingevening participating in the Colorado Qrp Club Winter Qso Party! Theresonly one word I can think of that describes this event. Fun !!! Good DXto all. AL7JK, John
John <al7jk@gci.net>
Eagle River, AK USA
Call sign is KC6DFA, station is presently in storage, as we aregetting ready to purchase new QTH hope to be back on the air next fall.
Ernest H. Abell <gladysabell@yahoo.com>
Carmichael, CA USA
Have 56 countries confirmed on PSK/QRP and the list on QRPp is growingsteadily. Also working HELL and MFSK16 at both levels. '73 Bob W9FIF
Bob Daniel <daniel@casscomm.com>
Virginia, IL USA
Hi Kathy and Raul, Remember me? I was your favorite waitress atthe Van Dyke Cafe, I live in Colorado now, I am going to school and raisingmy son on my own, I think about the two of you often, my best wishes toyou both and hope to hear from you, someday. Much love, Karin
Karin Schreiber <josmami2001@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA
Very Nice Web Site!! W2SEX The Amateur Radio Association of theTonawandas. http://hamgate1.sunyerie.edu/~arats/ Visit and sign our guestbook,please. 73 de Webmaster KC2BZJ
Wendy Taylor KC2BZJ <kc2bzj@arrl.net>
Western, NY USA
mny tnx fer info 73 DK7IA
INGO DK7IA <jo62pn@AOL.de>
BERLIN, 49 Germany
nice web site,,,keep up the good work... http://gm4agg.20m.com
allan <gs4agg@hotmail.com>
glasgow, uk
nice web site ,,,keep up the good work
allan <gs4agg@hotmail.com>
glasgow, uk
just visiting and i like the web site!!!!
Joshua <jmarkoski15@yahoo.com>
glendale, az USA
Very nice web site,good to see renewed interest in cw/qrp
Randy <ka5flm@aol.com>
Lake Charles, La USA
Have just become active again after almost 20 year absence fromhamming -- left qrping, and have come back qrp. Very nice site, and goodto see so much activity in CO.
Steve Taylor <stevet123@mail.com>
Denver, CO USA
Nice site - enjoy QRP and homebrew operation at KX0R here in Boulder.
George Carey Fuller - KX0R
Boulder, CO USA
Have enjoyed qrp and qro for years-45+yrs especilly 160m contests. N9AW got me interested in the foxhunts and enjoy it twice a week. CUon the bands 72/73-WA9TZE.....
Jim Akre <jsakre@execpc.com>
So. Milwaukee, WI USA
Nice site!! Moving to Hartsel, Co. in 4-5 years. Hope to join youthen!!
John Schweitzer <quej1@home.com>
Dana Point, Ca USA
Looking for USA station"S on QRP! Dave VR2KD/KE1EF 15mtrs!!!!!!!
Dave Kreider <dke1ef@mysite.com.hk>
Hong Kong, china
Nice web site. Keep QRP going!!
Dave Mantor <w9ocm5in@comteck.com>
Fairmount, IN USA
Great photos of the Sierra. I'm building one from a Far PCB now.I'm about half done and getting anxious to get it on the air!
Terry KW9L
Villa Park, IL USA
I think that WB0JNR, Roger Wendell, is the best operator on thebands!
ZeekZilch <me@ZeekZilch.com>
Aurora, CO USA
Want to get QRP rig for use while I ski patrol and have time onthe top in our shack due to bad WX(patrol, not radio) Should be great location!W1RL
Jeff <spenjeff@cs.com>
Jericho, VT USA
Used to be QRP operator when I had my HW-8... thinking about gettingback into QRP again... thanks
Philip <phlmyles@aol.com>
St. Louis, MO USA
Very interesting info on Sideswiper keying. I think I will try that by adjusting one of my single lever paddles. 73 Hart VA3OU "CW - THE ONLYLEGAL MUSIC ON THE BAND"
HART <va3ou@rac.ca>
Toronto, ON Canada
Just looking into QRP,sounds like a real challenge. I am tryingto figure out which kit to build.
A. B. Lyles <alyl@o-c-s.com>
Kress, TX USA
Getting interested in QRP. If it continues, I'll join.
Dick Housden <housden@home.com>
Greeley, CO USA
Mike Stillwell AC0I <stillwell@bluevalley.net>
Marysville, KS USA
Nice site, was looking for the lite Fox info, But It sent me outto never never land,,,Keep up the good work !!
Ken Larsen <larsenk@igg-tx.net>
Georgetown, tx USA
QRP the only way
Kenneth Detjen (KA5EON) <kjdetjen@yahoo.com>
Waco, tx USA
Great web page and thanks for the service. I think I joined oncebut can't be sure 72 Cal
Cal Callahan
Shelley, ID USA
After about a year out of action, the check's in the mail!! I'vereupped!! QRP PSK31 is addicting!! CQC #93
Bob Daniel <daniel@casscomm.com>
Virginia, IL USA
interested in qrp but want more than 1/2 watt.
keith ford <kf4tap@yahoo.com>
altoona, al USA
Nice page...seeing all the activity makes me want to get out my4 1/2 watt tube 40 m. xmtr and get going. TNX again. Dave.
Dave Mantor <w9ocm5in@comteck.com>
Fairmount, IN USA
hello qrp friend!!! very nice page.all the best in amateur radio!!73! piki 9A2VJ
velimir jez <piki_9a2v@yahoo.com>
ludbreg, croatia
After operating 6M cw for field day for our club, the bug has bittenfor qrp cw 6m. Want to build xcvr.The closet I have come is the Mark MandelkernK5AM (QEX Mar/apr1999), but is to complicated. Any help?? Nice site 73'KB0TWH
Ron Gilmore <aqua-clear@inter-linc.com>
Forsyth, MO USA
Just passing by
Lyman Beman <W6GP@Juno.com>
Camarillo, CA USA
I am the Raul Midon you mentioned. (I'M his wife) Alive and well in Miami. All grown up! Code is well too. Raul and Kathleen Midon (RaulKB5ZOT)
Raul Midon <Embudo2@aol.com>
Miami, Fl USA
I am the Raul Midon you mentioned. (I'M his wife) Alive and wellin Miami. All grown up! Code is well too. Raul and Kathleen Midon (RaulKB5ZOT)
Raul Midon <Embudo2@aol.com>
Miami, Fl USA
My friend bought a QRP Transmitter and want to make a contact in 7 MHz. It is possible to try to make a contact between Indonesia and US in 7 MHz? Please somebody to help him to make a contact. Regards
Hari Satriyo Basuki <hari@inkom.lipi.go.id>
Nice to be back in CO again after 5 years away. Trying to get rigand antennae unpacked in time for sunday fox, so thanks for info on the club page. 73, k0co / jack
Jack / k0co <k0co@arrl.net>
Aurora, CO USA
Nice Pages, Easy to understand, I'll look forward to see CQC Project info development history! If possible, need any accessible INFO about ancientTransceiver like GALAXY-V, from Council Bluffs, IOWA. Pse skip me any siteabout this Monster. TU, 73!
Peteris "PETER" Negitis <YL2PN@vita.gov.lv>
Riga, Latvia
Where am I able to take no-code exam? two-Meter FM Thank you
Jayson Allen <xfiles@codenet.net>
USAF Academy, CO USA
Interested in QRP. Looking for info on the Pixie transceiver.
Nick Murabito <murabito@delanet.com>
Dover, DE USA
Any interest in QRP is good because, as an old ham. I notice thegeneral power level has been going down over the years. The rice boxes,being standardized at 1oo watts help a lot. I hear very few 1000 watt rigson. Lower p[ower allows the QRP stations to be heard, and more of themare being heard successfully every year. Go for it boys!
g h schuler
South Woodstock, vt USA
Looking to get on HF and QRP sounds like a great way to start! Interestingsite. Thanks! KI7UP
Norm Seeley, Jr. <norm@azwheelchair.com>
Scottsdale, AZ USA
Great website and magazine. please change my address to 2602 Cedarberry Lane, North Platte, NE 69101 Dave K8BBM, member 157
Dave Heintzleman <pstrdave@kdsi.net>
North Platte, NE USA
I found you through an article in the March QST. vERY GOOD PAGE.Iam getting my code speed back and have an idea I will be joining the gangin the next month or two. Again a verry good job on the page
Marshall Nicholson <n7nwc@arrl.net>
Phoenix, AZ USA
73 de I5WNN . QRP is great!
Lido <i5wnn@iol.it>
Prato, Italy
Looks like a great QRP site. I'm in the process of trying to WorkAll State on 10 Meter QRP. So far 30 states confirmed. Look for me around28060 on weekends. Keep up the great site!
Jim Bassett <w1ro@aol.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA
Nice site, well built. Regards from F1CTC/KF4IUR
Paris, FR
Seems like a very nice club.Enjoyed the visit and hope to catchsome of you on the air with my Tuna Tin 2!! 73's
Roger Swanson - KC8GOJ <swansonrt@labs.net>
Fairview, WV USA
Hi, I'm getting a Sierra going, 40 meters works, working on 80 and30 meters. Anybody else out there working on one? If every thing worksout, I may be retireing my NW-40; http://web.missouri.edu/~ccrip/pix/field.jpgMay be going to Goose Island via canoe for QRPTTF. de Roy CQC#517
Roy Parker <ParkerRI@missouri.edu>
Columbia , MO USA
I'm a new ham.(tech) Am working on 5wpm CW.Saw your club in my firstissue of "73" and had to see your excellent site. QRP has gotten my interestin a big way,and I am wondering if your membership can suggest a $100 Kitthat could event- ually get me started? Thanks and '73 Marty
Marty...KC8NOU <marty@gambit.net>
Akron, oh USA
Looks like a good site to put in 'favorites'!! Getting back intoham after raising a family and QRP has always been a mode of choice. 73de Carl
Carl K0BZV
Melbourne, FL USA
Enjoyed your site. 72s de Bob
Bob Leinau <w7bd@webtv.net>
Burns Flat , OK USA
Just getting in to QRP after 18+ years of Ham Radio. Your Websiteis outstanding. See you on the band when I get my Tuna tin 2 built.
Doug Barone - W7DPB
Casper, WY USA
Very nice website ,thanks.
Piet Bazen <pbazen@hetnet.nl>
st Annaland, Netherlands
Nice site. Found you while poking around the web. Interested inQRP but never tried it.
John, K5LKE
Very good web site, very informative and nicely formatted. I willbe back again from time to time. Keep up the good work. 73's de Mark, EI7IS!
Mark Wall, EI7IS <ei7is@qsl.net>
Waterford, Ireland
Was just roaming around the internet heard about your web site andam very much impressed, Love qrp am using seirra wilderness on all 9 bandsgreat fun. hope to work a cqc club member someday. Tnx agn Dave WA3UZD
Dave Tabbutt <dtabbutt@gateway.net>
Broomall, PA USA
I played around in the CQC on Feb 27/28 and I want to submit a log.You want ASCII format, but what is the layout? What fields do you want?I did it all by hand with paper and pencil, but I'd like to submit electonically.Any help? Thanks...Zdo.
Doug (Zdo) Zwiebel <DougKR2Q2aol.com>
Randolph, NJ USA
Nice Pages, Look forward to see CQC project info
Junichi Nakajima, JL1KRA
Ibaraki Kashima, JAPAN
I'm new to Colorado Springs. I just spent a two year tour in Japanwhere I wasn't able to use my ham license. Now that I'm back I'd like toget back involved in Ham. I'm on the 146.97 rep. Look me up KC8KPX 73s....clear
Robert Ramsey <rramsey@ezo.net>
Colorado Springs, CO USA
Nice Web Site. Run QRP with a Heathkit HW-8 feeding a G5RV up at45', mostly on 80 and 40 Meters, see you there. Long Live CW!!!
Andrew Siska <N9CU@arrl.net>
Westmont, IL USA
Enjoyed the article on using the sideswiper key. Will try to learnto use my original Bunnell that has been gathering dust ever since I acquiredit 10 years ago. CU on 160, 75 and 40 m. AM and CW (and soon to be on 10)Don K4KYV
Don <k4kyv@hotmail.com>
Woodlawn, TN USA
Ham Radio is real radio.
Bob <wa4fom@aol.com>
Bayonne, NJ USA
I belong to Custer County Search and rescue and I want toget myHAM license. Can anyone give me an idea where I should go to get informationto pass the test. Joe
Joe"Gastor" Orgeron <e7ret@rmi.net>
Westcliffe, CO USA
Enjoyed visiting your site. How about more QRP folks doing CountyHunting. I've confirmed 2833 counties running 4W. The CW County Huntersnet is on 14.0565MHz. GREAT sport. 73/72 de Bob/w7bd
Bob <w7bd@webtv.net>
Burns Flat, OK USA
I'm anxious to build a QRP rig. After 45+ years in ham radio, Ithink QRP would be a new challenge.
Tom Bridges <w7ln@yahoo.com>
Marshall, VA USA
Congrats you have done superb job on your web site. I am a memberof NORCAL QRP CLUB, just finished Red Hot Radio 20 and 40 Meter CW Trans.Keepup the good work, Long live QRP. 73 from Calif. "ART"
Art Furtado <W6FS@AOL.COM>
San Jose,, CA USA
A very nice starter to me in this new way of life.
Alessandro Laurenti <alessandrolaurenti@hotmail.com>
Londrina, PR Brazil
I like your HP very well.. I hope to have QSO's with youe club soon
Lou > XE2EKK <lew3@altavista.com>
Son, Mexico
have been working in colorado since last june. enjoying using therepeater system . very nice. tnx. kc7wwy
GENE KC7WWY <debs@ttc-cmc.net>
Malta, Mt USA
Enjoyed the visit. 72s de Bob
Bob <w7bd@webtv.net>
Burns Flat, OK USA
Nice website, enjoyed it.
Leo Habers KB6TRR <lh303@msn.com>
Denver, Co USA
Update for the y2kballoon from Quesnel B.C. Wx still not lookinggood, but the extra time has enabled us to add another beacon. As wellas the 3.579 mhz. c.w. beacon identifier, we have added a 6 mtr "flea power"20 mw beacon, with the same identifier message as the 80 mtr beacon, againwith a 1/2 wave vert. dipole. As well, we are adding an optically splitscreen on the ATV cam. The bottom 1/8 of the screen will show the 12 oclockhorizon, this will be articulated to the best position sometime after launch,and stabilization of payload. If we can find a crystal, we will also adda 10 meter beacon. "73" from Quesnel, de VE7 CUP,,,, www.caribooweb.com/y2kballoon
Quesnel, BC Canada
I'm new to QRP. Looking for information. This is a nice web site.
Ken - KD6OAT <kadlam@inquo.net>
Salt lake City, UT USA
Yor have a good Web for QRP. Have a Good New Year and many DX onQRP in the CQC League, 73 de Willy
Willy Hagmann HB9BBM <hagmannhb9bbm@swisscom.com>
4654 Lostorf, CH Switzerland
Hi Marshall, et al. Here's my new email machine, now operating.No much to add but 72, and happy new year all.
Nemo <hormsnort@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO, USA
I forgot to enter my call sign N8WJR
Roy M. Metzger <metzgerr@yahoo.com>
Woodburn , in USA
I enjoyed the site, I enjoy QRP Voice in my mobile. I'm just usinga radio shack cb/10meter antenna tuned for the novice thru the Advancedband. Today was my first day on the air (with my homebrew QRP rig) AnchorageAlaska, Phoenix and Texas were my best contacts. I would like to see thepower limited to =<100 watts on all HF bands. I have the money to buythe big amps, but why? That will take away all of the fun. Thanks for thenice site. Roy M.Metzger
Roy M. Metzger <metzgerr@yahoo.com>
Woodburn, IN USA
Forgot to include my call the first time I signed guest book. It'sK0CW.
Charles Nagel <charlesn@prodigy.net>
St. Louis, MO USA
Forgot to include my call the first time I signed guest book. It'sK0CW.
Charles Nagel <charlesn@prodigy.net>
St. Louis, MO USA
Forgot to include my call the first time I signed guest book. It'sK0CW.
Charles Nagel <charlesn@prodigy.net>
St. Louis, MO USA
Forgot to include my call the first time I signed guest book. It'sK0CW.
Charles Nagel <charlesn@prodigy.net>
St. Louis, MO USA
Forgot the call first time. It's K0CW.
Charles Nagel <charlesn@prodigy.net>
St. Louis, MO USA
Forgot the call first time. It's K0CW.
Charles Nagel <charlesn@prodigy.net>
St. Louis, MO USA
Like the site.
Charles Nagel <charlesn@prodigy.net>
St. Louis, MO USA
long live CW
Scott Howell <n3byy@yahoo.com>
Laurel, MD USA
Just looked at the FD pix. Great!! and a great performance. Woouldlike to have seen it first hand. Went on many FD when I lived in Littletonbut never QRP! 72. Bob W0LK/QRP
bob seymour <bobsey@juno.com>
mountain view, ar USA
Saw your e-mail in the QRP-L reflector - will read it all when Ihave more time. W7ILW (where is the "submit button at the bottom of thepage?)
Howard Myers <howardw7ilw@earthlink.net>
Prescott, AZ US
Nice site. It's now in my Bookmark. 72 F5ITU
Daniel <dsavel@easynet.fr>
To "QRO Master", ANYONE can buy power. It takes skill to run QRP.You are still welcome to return to this QRP site, which you are obviouslyinterested in as you took the time to visit and leave a message. We welcomeeveryone, not just those with money! Feel free to contact us for more information.72 From the Colorado QRP Club
Phil, K6LS <website manager for the Colorado QRP Club>
Aurora, Co USA
Nice site. In a new home, trying to get back on the air with QRP.
Earl Norris, W8KMO <w8kmo@gatecom.com>
La Salle, MI USA
You guys are sissies. You need to run power. QRO RULES!!!!!!
QRO Master
power city, ca USA
Flabbergasted Don't Know what to say
Norman Bertrand <Nbert@aol.com>
Astatula, FL USA
One of the best sites for me, I appreciate all the efforst for allrelated to radio amateurs.
Jorge Fleitas <jfleitas@gmx.net>
Montevideo, MVD Uruguay
i love your website: it is very helpful. ur links are great also.keep up the good wrk.
tim nudd
sneedvile, tn USA
Just lookin to see what you guys are up to. Our local club is NOGA,the North Georgia QRP club. We just held our "Run for the Kudsu" event--Fun. My thing is homebrew and just finished a scratch Sierra.
Mike Branca <w3irz@att.net>
Conyers, GA USA
Nice page..in deed
Oscar Varju <vk4bov@optusnet.com.au>
Gold Coast, qld Australia
Nice site just browsing for QRP info TNX 73 KC0GIM
Caleb <KC0GIM@arrl.net>
Just looking for a qrp-driver stage idea. for my two band tranceiver.If the project's finished i try to mail it.
Arjen PA4VA <arjen@ecosse.net>
Boksum, The Netherlands
Just testing...
Was just broweing around looking for fists it got lost on my favoretlist trying toget it togeter BAD SPELLING;aol does't want to acknowledemy add thought you all were in the club or maybe someone knows the riteweb add. thank you Norm N6KZN
Palmdale, Ca USA
hi i am member 240, i need to renew and hope to do so soon, butwondered if there might be anyone who has operated a ft-847 especiallymobile or know of any concerns with its operation in a mobile environmentthe idea of 2m ssb is intriguing and all in one box, make it easier tofit in the bronco II for the offroad hf excursions into the mountains.73 de n0xdw@bwn.net
Jeff <n0xdw@bwn.net>
Akron, CO USA
Hi, like your web site. looking for morse keys. Any one that canhelp me collect. pleae send an email to me. Thanks.
Nigel Collier Webb <collierwebb@cinergy.co.uk.>
Jersey, UK
Been QRPing for about 4 years-mostly from my old trailer in themountains west of Divide CO. Enjoy occasionally reading through your webpage. Also FISTS 3991. 73 Bud WAORGG
Bud Wintcher <hwintcher@kktv.com>
Colo Springs, CO USA
I'm a flatlander, but shucks when I visit my brother near CentralCity/Blackhawk next time, I'll have to look you up. I enjoy homebrewing(radios, hi) and my Thursday night Weak Signal Round Table. I hope to havetime to build a 40M qrp rig this fall. Appreciate the CQC site & theReflector. I been reading the mail fer a while now es bout ready to getactivated, been silent too long! God bless you all and thanks for the LowDown, it is great reading. 72 de Radio WC5W, Macy, IN. http://www.qsl.net/wc5w/QRP-L#1825 CQC#583 QRP-ARCI#9887 AK/QRP#466 http://gileadhouse.com
Dwight Hammond <wc5w@qsl.net>
Macy, IN USA
very nice web page I am a member of the Sinbad Desert Amateur Radio Club I'll get the address to you later tnx es best 73 de John K7JHM
John McCurdy <susies@castlenet.com>
Price, Ut USA
Don't live in Colorado but am interested in QRP, especially homebrewing.We currently are living on a sailboat in Mexico and have been for aboutfour years. Was directed to your site and have been searching other sitesfor schematics, parts, etc. Jim, WL7AAW
Jim Wilkins <svpriority@aol.com>
Wasilla, AK USA
Have just moved here. When XYL's honey-do list is pared down, I'mlooking to get into QRP--maybe 30M. Have been watching your site &will continue to do so. 73 de WB5SFD BT
Ray Wallace, WB5SFD <ray_wallace@hotmail.com>
Santa Fe, NM USA -
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