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Colorado QRP Club, Inc.

Life's too short for $800 finals!




Roger J. Wendell, WB0JNR, at CQC's Star Haven Field Day Site - 06-24-2017
Roger J. Wendell (WBØJNR) at CQC's Star Haven Field Day site
Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR, (CQC #007) was one of the club's founding members who served as its first treasurer, and then "treasurer for life" (as Marshall and other officers jokingly suggested) for the three following decades after a couple year's hiatus. Roger also served as the club's webmaster for over three decades, as well. In addition to regularly assisting with meetings and the Monday night net, Roger also helped organize the club's Field Day effort and officiating the club's various on-air "sprints" and contests over the years.


For over three decades, this was Roger's page on QRZ.com:

My apologies if you had difficulty copying me as I normally run one watt or less when on HF! The vast majority of my operating is on HF CW with occasional forays onto the 146.52 MHz calling frequency where I run a whopping 5 watts. On HF I monitor most of the popular CW QRP calling frequencies but always end up at 28.060 MHz anytime ten meters is open. And, I might add, that I'm a stickler for RF output accuracy - I normally use a calibrated QRP wattmeter and, at times, double-check everything with an RF probe off my digital VOM. So, when you copy me saying that I'm running 100 milliwatts you can be assured that it's a pretty darn accurate figure!
Also, I usually run my ham gear off of a very simple system of solar-charged batteries that have given me many hours of reliable power when the local utility has failed. Anyway, give me a call on .52 whenever you're in the Denver area or try 28.060 if you're outside Colorado or the U.S. - I love Morse code and hope to hear you on the bands sometime soon!

My radio experience and personal history:

In 1970, at the age of 14, I earned the Novice call sign of WN6CDA while living with my family in southern California. In 1972 my family and I moved to Colorado where I upgraded to General Class as WBØJNR. In 1975 I joined the Coast Guard and underwent Radioman "A" School training at their center in Petaluma, California. It was in radioman school that I broke the Service's record for copying Morse code (40+ wpm in 5 character coded groups at 99% accuracy).
Roger J. Wendell Coast Guard Radioman School - 1975
After radioman school, I was assigned to Coast Guard Communications Station Honolulu (call sign NMO) in Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii. At that time, NMO was a "tenant" command at NavCams EastPac (The Navy's communications facility in the middle of Oahu). Throughout that period, from 1975 through 1977, I was very active in operating and maintaining the Navy's Amateur Club Station (KH6UL) located in the center of the base. (On page 7, of the June 1977 edition of "Trade Winds," the base newspaper, an article describing the station lists me as the manager...)
In 1977 I transferred to Coast Guard Group Station Monterey (NMC6). I stayed in Monterey until the end of my enlistment in 1979. In 1980, a year after my enlistment, I spent reserve duty at Coast Guard Communications Station San Francisco (NMC) located in Point Reyes, California.
After my Coast Guard duties, my then wife and I returned to our home in Aurora, Colorado where we raised our children. My son earned his amateur license (KBØJFH), later earning his PhD in particle physics. After living near Cherry Creek Reservoir for 22 years we eventually moved to Green Mountain where I now reside.
I, myself, upgraded to Amateur Extra in 1982 but avoided the "gamble" of a call sign reassignment - opting to keep my WBØJNR. Throughout my entire amateur radio experience I have remained active in QRP (low power) and QRPp (output levels of less than one watt) CW (Morse code) operations - even serving as one of the founders of the Colorado QRP Club (www.coloradoqrpclub.org).
In addition to amateur radio, I also earned the FCC's General Radiotelephone License. Further, still related to radio, I have worked as a music programmer ("DJ") and Talk-Show interviewer for community radio station KGNU (88.5 FM Boulder, 1390 AM Denver) right here in Colorado.
Besides all of my work with the Coast Guard, amateur, and public radio, I have remained an an avid hiker, backcountry skier, mountaineer, and environmental activist. My trademark mottos remain "Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic Evolution" and "CW Forever!"
Roger J. Wendell - WBØJNR


Here are some of my amateur radio awards and the various Ham clubs I've belonged to over the years:


EFT QRPp Low Power Award #1 www.rogerwendell.com/qrpaward.html
Colorado QRP Club #7 www.coloradoqrpclub.org
SSS 52 Chapter #12R
1976 S.C.A.T.S. # 43
Orange Juice #105
Fire-Ball 10mW Fraternity #186
Yodar Kritch #354
Louisiana Alligator #736
City of Lights #805HC
Colorado Bighorn #854
1000-Mile-Per-Watt Club
ZUT #1363 #1395
FISTS Morse Preservation Society #1501
Colorado Centennial #2790
QRP ARC International #3787 www.qrparci.org
Society of Wireless Pioneers #4518-M
Ten-Ten International #8704 www.ten-ten.org
MARAC "Last County" Award #10325
QCWA #27635 http://www.qcwa.org/
ARRL member since 1970 www.arrl.org
ARRL Rag Chewers Club
ARRL Bicentennial Worked All States Award




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Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR


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